Get started
Welcome to Carbon! If you’re just starting out developing with Carbon, here’s a checklist of everything you need to get up and running.
First steps
Install your framework of choice
The Carbon Design System is built with official support for React and Web Components. Community support exists for other frameworks like Angular, vanilla JS, Vue, Svelte, and Lightning Web Components. Head over to Frameworks for all the information you need to get started.
Check out our developer resources
In Developer resources, you’ll find Carbon tools, as well as our GitHub repos and Storybooks for your framework of choice.
Additional guidance
Take a tutorial
We offer tutorials in React using Next.js, with community contributed tutorials for Angular and Vue, to guide you in creating an app with the Carbon Design System. We’ll teach you the ins and outs of using Carbon components, and introduce web development best practices along the way.
Learn about the IBM Design Language
Carbon expresses the IBM Design Language in product and delivers it through tools for designers and developers including guidance, tooling, components, and support. Take the time to read the site so that you fully understand what drives IBM’s design philosophy and principles, and can make informed decisions in your product work.
Connect with us
Join us and the Carbon community
For internal IBM only: If you have a question about any aspect of the frameworks or tools, you can reach out to us on Slack and use that as a way to connect with your fellow developers. Chances are someone has had a similar question to you and will jump in to help you out.
- #carbon-design-system
- #carbon-react
- #carbon-web-components
- #carbon-charts
- #carbon-tutorial
- #carbon-ng (community)
- #carbon-vue (community)
And be sure to sign up for the latest Carbon news at #carbon-announcements.
Learn about what we’re doing
You can find out about Carbon’s latest changes and future plans on the Releases page.
If you have questions, here are all the ways to contact us.
Learn about the benefits
Learn more about the benefits of using Carbon as a developer, and how Carbon benefits all members of a product team.